Sunday, March 22, 2015

Waiting and Watching Patiently

I have this picture on my wall
that my sister gave me some
years ago.
I have looked at it so many times and loved it
for it's beauty. 
This morning, I looked at it differently!
I saw a woman waiting.  Looking out the
window, waiting there looking at something
or waiting on someone.  She was patiently
waiting. I wondered if she was watching
her children play, or maybe her husband
working in the yard, or maybe just admiring
God's beauty, in her garden. Maybe there was
something heavy on her heart that she was seeking
an answer for.

Have you ever prayed about something
and wondered, 'why hasn't my prayer been
Maybe our Father is trying to teach us to
be patient and wait on his timing.

Psalm 37:7 tells us to "Be still before the
Lord and wait patiently for him". 

Have you ever felt so tired 
or  "burned out" as some may say,
that you think you can't keep going?

 I'm sure we all have at times. 
We can grow tired of waiting.
Our mind and our bodies can
get tired from manual labor and 
mental strain.

Isaiah 40: 28 says
 "the Lord does not become weary or tired".
Verse 29, tells us that "He gives strength
to the weary"

As we wait on the Lord and trust in Him
for our needs, let's wait patiently on Him.
 As women and believers, we sometimes
feel like we are called on to do so much,
for our family and others, that we can 
become weary and tired from our load of 
responsibilities. Let's  trust our heavenly Father
 for strength and courage to handle our daily chores.
As the lady in the photo waits patiently and
watches over her home and families needs,
let us do the same, as unto the Lord God.
He will give us strength and rest for our
walk with Him.

Isaiah 40: 31
" those that wait for the Lord will gain new
strength,they will mount up with wings like
eagles, they will run and not get tired,
they will walk and not become weary."

  Dear Lord, when we become tired, remind us
of your inexhaustible stength. Help us to to be
patient and wait on you and your timing,in all
things. Amen

Have a Blessed Sunday!


Debbie Harris said...

Sylvia, Good Morning to you and sweet blessings.
What a lovely way to begin my day, the Lord's day with a visit here.
Your photo is quite beautiful and really does depict the woman in many ways. As she looks out the window I too think of myself in circumstances of my own life right now.
The verses you choose to share with us brought such comfort to my heart.
Early this morning in my quiet time with the Lord I received a message from the Lord through my devotional book (a gift from a dear blogging friend) about angels and how they are " ministering spirits sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation." Hebrews 1:14
"His powerful angels, after faithfully serving, protecting, and ministering to us on earth, will escort us into the presence of God to live with Him forever."
Hallelujah! What a comfort and promise from the Word of God.

Have a most blessed day my friend.
Joy! Debbie

NanaDiana said...

You & Debbie Harris posted such similar things this morning.....about trusting and waiting. It is easy for us to pay mouth service that we WILL wait patiently and that we DO trust...but--oh so hard to translate that to REALLY doing it sometimes.

That is a gorgeous picture, Sylvia, and a wonderful post today. Blessings- xo Diana

bj said...

I just put a pan of biscuits in the oven and reading blogs as I wait.
This is such a beautiful post to start my Sunday morning off ....thank you for blessing me with it today.

Linda said...

What a beautiful post ! Thank you for sharing and being an inspiration. Blessings

Anonymous said...

A beautiful message this morning, Sylvia. That is a lovely painting and a reminder to wait on the Lord.
God bless your day. Mildred

Jocelyn said...

Beautiful picture. Beautiful sentiment.

Jocelyn @

Nora @ Teacup Tales said...

Such timely post as I begin many of today's activities. I appreciate the reminder that God knows how much we are able to handle.He gives us the strength. Have a wonderful Sunday. ~Nora

Susie said...

Sylvia, I take my cares to the Lord...but sometimes I forget to lay my worry down...I take it with me. I know the Lord is there for as He always has been...I just seem to worry, especially if my children and grandchildren are involved. I should know better, God gave me those children. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

Visits With Mary said...

Beautiful post Sylvia. I'm working on patience this year so your words really touched my heart. Hope you're having a wonderful SonDay!

Pamela M. Steiner said...

I love this picture. I, too, can imagine all sorts of thoughts that may be going through her mind as she waits and watches. How often have we been there ourselves? Waiting for our loved ones to come home...waiting for someone to take us away (she has her hat in her hand...ready to go out?)...waiting for the Lord to return... Anyway, this is lovely, and I appreciate all the thoughts expressed today. Beautiful.

kitty@ Kitty's Kozy Kitchen said...

What a lovely picture and wonderful words of wisdom that you've shared with us, Sylvia. Yes, sometimes I pray and pray over something and finally I've "let go, let God".

Wilma said...

This is such a wonderful post Sylvia, thank you so much for sharing !

Hugs, Wilma.