I love the early morning hour when I wake
up and have my morning devotions, with
my Lord. He always has something to
touch my heart in His word and the
devotional books I read.
"Do not remember the past events,
pay no attention to things of old"
Isaiah 43:18
This morning my lesson in my life was
about not looking back. Learn from life's
ups and downs and move on.
In the movie The Lion King, Simba was depressed,
wrongfully thinking he was responsible for his
father's death. Pumbaa advised him to put his
past behind him. We can't change our past. It
doesn't help to dwell on it. When we do it's a
form of bondage holding our future hostage.
"Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall
spring forth.."
verse 19
When we dwell on the past, condemn ourselves,
hold on to regrets, hurt feelings, bitterness, anger,
and grudges and refuse to forgive and go forward, we limit ourselves and won't be able to move on
to all the Lord has for us.
This morning I pray we take time to consider if there is anything keeping us from the perfect place
God has for us.
O Lord, I pray for your leading and strength
to let go of that which is behind and to keep my
eyes on you."
Have a Blessed Day
filled with sunshine and roses!