Thursday, February 12, 2015

Trees Planted by the River

The Flint river runs by our town and flows on and on.
The trees along side it grows and spreads,one by one,
 tall and strong. 
Jeremiah 17:8, tells us that those that put their trust in the Lord 
are "like a tree planted by the waters, which spreads out it's roots by the river".

Those that put their trust in God will be fruitful and grow like
these trees, putting down roots in His goodness and steadfast love.
I started my Bible reading this morning in Ephesians 1. My prayer
is always to hear from God's word and learn from Him how to live
my days here on earth for Him

 I read Roxy's blog post  at  the other day on the word "Daily". If you've never been to her blog then I recommend it, just click on the link.
 It got me thinking about this word and what it meant. Daily, every day, each day, one day at a time!  We stay so busy that sometimes we miss out on things that God could be saying to us or showing us. Sit, wait, be still,trust. These are words I say to myself all the time. But do I?  Maybe for a minute then I'm right back doing ,doing and doing.

What is God's purpose for us? 
In Ephesians 1:11 it tells me that by trusting and receiving Him I have received an inheritance, that I have been predestined according to His purpose.  My heavenly Father knows all things so His purpose is for All to become His and fruitful, according to His will, bringing others to Him. So then our purpose should be to obey Him, show His love to a dying uncaring world. Daily, there's that word again, walking close to Him.  Choosing to trust Him, depending on His love and goodness.

When we do these things, we'll be like "a tree planted by the waters, which spreads it's roots out by the river". We'll become fruitful and accomplish God's purpose for our life. We'll find strength in His unfailing Love. 

Thank you Lord Jesus, for never leaving me
even when I don't feel you presence.  
I put my trust in your promises
and unfailing love. Amen


Comments are turned off, these are my thoughts on God's purpose for me. 

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