The Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.
Genesis 2:18
It was December 20th, 1963, a little girl at heart, had just turned 18 and was about to start a life journey that she had waited for with the young man she had met at church one evening. Waiting with the guidance of her parents, who had taught her to love and have faith. While other girls were going off to college or getting a job, her desire was to marry and raise a family. Yes, that girl was me. Today is our 50th wedding Anniversary!
We didn't have a formal wedding, we were married by a Judge at the courthouse, that Friday afternoon with a few family members. A few years ago my girls and their family went with us to the town where we were married in, for a festival. While walking down the street we found ourselves in front of that same courthouse. My dear hubby grabbed me by the hand and told them, "this is what I did the day we got married" and he pulled me up the steps. They thought it was so funny they had to take a photo. (it took me 2 hours yesterday to find this photo)
My husband and girls thought they were pulling one over on me the last few weeks, they never mentioned our anniversary coming up. They would whisper behind my back and call only to ask "is daddy around so I can talk to him" . Well I knew something was going on, they can't keep me in the dark long. But I did get a surprise, when we got to the church last Saturday afternoon, when we stepped inside the door of the small chapel next to the church we attend, there stood our Pastor, my grandson handed me a bouquet of flowers. Since we didn't have a formal wedding when we married, my girls and all my grandchildren had put together the best wedding ceremony ever. There were flowers and bows and all the trimmings.
We had mentioned at times about renewing our vows. That is what we did, with 40 of our close friends and family. To help this not be so long I'll post a few photo's.
We don't have any photo's of our wedding, this is one taken a few years later. (I wasn't in to taking pictures back then)
My daughter and Son-in-law both took photo's but my very busy son-n-law hasn't uploaded his yet so I can only show the one's of the reception.
My sister's husband sang during the reception and during the ceremony. He sang " Love remains" by Collin Raye. It was so pretty and fit perfectly.
Knowing how I enjoy a good cup of Tea, my girls even sat up a Tea Table. My daughter's husband (yes, the one that hasn't uploaded the photo's)
had given her a set of vintage china for Mother's Day this year, and she used it.
And there among it all, they had bought me my own Teacup!
Love those Girls!!
Two of my friends that I've known over all these years, one I went to school with, was there.
This is a "Diva" photo of us. (Please don't laugh)
My grandchildren were great! My granddaughter,Anna, played the flute "Happy Anniversary" to the tune of happy birthday. (her daddy hasn't uploaded that photo either"
Joshua had already taken his white dress shirt off and Aaron and JC didn't have theirs tucked in...BOYS!
My silly Aaron on the left. JC and Aaron looked as good as Joshua at one time.
God is Good and has Blessed me !
I am so thankful!
The ceremony was so beautiful and our pastor did a great job!
May you all have a Blessed Day
Merry Christmas!