Thursday, March 27, 2014

Spring or Not!

It was one of those March days
when the sun shines hot
And the wind blows cold;
when it is summer in the light,
And Winter in the shade.
~ Charles Dickens
Yes, that's how it seems these days, we don't know if it is winter or spring,
We've had Snow!
Awake, thou wintry earth~
Fling off thy sadness!
Fair vernal flowers, laugh forth
Your ancient gladness!
 ~ Thomas Blackburn
We've had Ice!
Is it Spring yet!
Yesterday as I  walked my Madi, I found this one and lonely tulip in my flower bed. I don't remember when I planted it, maybe last spring or sometime before and it just now thinks it's spring and
came up to see.

I love Spring anywhere, but if I could choose,
 I would always greet it in a garden.
~Ruth Stout
Have a Blessed Spring or winter!


Anonymous said...

it has been a long winter and that is a very brave tulip!

Tessa~ Here there be musing said...

Oh what a beautiful reminder, that Spring willlllll commmmmmme! :-)

Jan said...

It's fairly warm here today with dark clouds, wind and rain. I'm thinking maybe it's going to finally be Spring! said...

Hi Sylvia,
pleased to see you used the quote I wrote from Charles Dickens.
Spring is not really here yet. Its gone to colder days now and i have to get the wood burner going.
lets hope it will be warmer days soon. val

NanaDiana said...

Hi Sylvia- I don't know what it is here either- Spring or winter. Today it is raining but just above freezing. Nothing green or growing yet. Ugh- can't wait until we see some Spring Sun! xo Diana

Lady Linda said...

I just can't imagine snow now! We are back to rain in the NW and a fire in the woodstove. All the flowering trees are in full bloom and the daffodils are everywhere!
Hope spring comes your way soon.