I love to walk outdoors when it's cool and a nice breeze is blowing, and today is one of those days. Since the temperature has come down quiet a bit, it is the perfect day for a walk. There's a few (but not many) leaves trying turn.

When I say "go for a walk" Madi's eyes lights up and her tail starts ragging. She loves to go on walks. Here she is checking out a mushroom.
Of course she has to check everything out, after all it is her duty to keep us safe, right? As we
walked down the beaten path my grandchildren has made us by riding the Golf Cart over the grass many times, I hear a "meow". Don't leave me, he is trying to tell us.
Yes, it's Milo, he always know when we are out walking no matter where he is hiding in the back yard, and he follows us, just like a puppy.
Our 2 acre's aren't completely fenced so Madi has to be on a leash. I've learned she likes to visit
everyone on the road where we live.
Yes, Madi that's moss on the ground, it's ok, it won't hurt us.
Most of the flowers, the hot weather has taken it's tole on them, the trees are always
pretty and green but there is lots of yard work needing to be done as soon as fall brings even
cooler temperatures.
I love the big Oak tree in the back part of the yard, even if it is hard to mow around it and the large
cedar tree.
A butterfly landed on a piece of limb as we walked by, as if to be enjoying our walk also.
It did add more beauty to the day!
Ooh, is that persimmons on the ground I see next to the small limb!
Yes, many of them, guess the deer couldn't reach them all.
As we travel on around the persimmon tree, I see this small cedar under an Oak tree, I'll need to transplant it also along with the 5 or 6 that I found in the front yard earlier this summer. I believe October is the time to transplant.
I hope you are enjoying our walk today, I promise to feed you and offer you a cup of tea
when we get tired.
As we walk on I see there's a couple of purple Rose of Sharon's in bloom! It looks
like it is growing on the Pine tree, but no it isn't, the limb had grown over it, guess it needs
triming back.
I see this pretty blue Morning Glory making itself at home among the azaleas, such a pretty
color of blue.
The Purple Knight butterfly bush has began to show more blooms since we have gotten
a lot of rain lately.
The Lantana isn't blooming, guess it has finished for the summer too, but the Purple Heart is doing
good in the pot on the stand.
Then back to the swing to rest awhile, Madi is given out and Milo needs a rest also but Madi
got to the best place between myself and hubby first.
Now time for that snack I promised.
How about a piece of chocolate cake with curled white chocolate on top and a cup of Tea!
I made an arrangement for my table before we left on our walk, when my hubby saw it he said,
aren't you rushing Fall a little? No, fall is on it's way and I am just welcoming it!
I have enjoyed our walk and you visiting with me today,
I hope you have a Blessed Afternoon!
Very lovely walk, Sylvia! Thanks so much for sharing!
Such a nice walk, Sylvia! Thanks for taking me along.
It's NEVER to early for FALL as far as I'm concerned! In Florida, we don't see much of the change of the seasons, and I long for the autumn leaves and cool, brisk days. They will get here eventually, but not soon enough! Oh, and Sylvia, YES I can get back on to your site again! Thank you for fixing it! I missed you!
I loved the walk through your yard, btw. It was lovely. I can almost smell the trees and flowers and feel the breeze. Delightful. And the table/cake/tea were delightful! Thank you!!
I enjoyed your walk Sylvia with the cat and the dog, butterfly, morning glories, purple heart, butterfly bush and persimmons. Beautiful fall dishes too!
beautiful walk and I loved the Rose of Sharon. a pretty color pink.
What a lovely backyard you have to walk in and two cute pets to share it with you. Your chocolate cake with white chocolate curls sure looks yummy - perfect for a tea break.
Thank you so much for sharing your walk with us! Your snack looks so yummy, too! My little doggie likes to go on walks with me too, if fact he looks alot like yours!
Hi Sylvia! I wanted to thank you for following me on my blog. I came over to look at your blog again and I realized I said I was going to become a follower and then I forgot to join...I am so sorry, sometimes I get distracted. Anyway, I am now "officially" a follower of your wonderful blog and I am eager to see what you will share. And I agree, we have many "likes" in common :)
By the way, your chocolate cake looks scrumptious!
Serving our King,
Your persimmons are looking great! I
I love your garden and that is the sweetest picture of your Chihuahua laying down:)
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