Take My Hand
When the storms of life are raging
And there's trouble 'cross the land;
We can almost hear Him whisper,
Precious children "Take My Hand".
You will never have a problem
That I cannot understand...
I will bear your every burden,
If you'll only take my hand.
When your trials seem much too heavy
And you feel you cannot stand;
I will be the crutch you lean on
Precious children "Take My Hand".
O'er the earth, My eyes are roaming;
There is naught, I cannot see...
Take My hand and look toward heaven,
Then just put your trust in Me.
There's no sickness, I can't conquer;
There's no storm, I cannot calm;
For I paid for all your trials,
With the nail-prints in My palm.
'Does not matter what you're facing...
You don't have to understand;
Put your trust in Me, My children.
Just reach up and Take My Hand.
I will bear your every burden...
I'll bring peace to every land,
If My children will obey Me;
And reach out and "Take My Hand".
Author unknown

Wondering if your computer issues, are over????
I have not heard that song sung in years, Sylvia. I have always loved it! Looks like your computer is working! HooRay! xo Diana
As I read your beautiful post I was drinking my morning coffee out of my lovely mug from you, sweet friend :) These words are precious - I am not sure if I have heard this song before.
You blessed my heart this morning, thank you! Sending you love!
I love you Mama:)
That was beautiful, as are you.
I love you sis, and God is with you always, He will help you and Curtis through this......I am praying daily for you both!
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